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Phex 2.8.6 released PDF Print E-mail
Written by GregorK   
Thursday, 27 April 2006
This release primarily contains bug fixes with minor improvements, including:

Multiple ban host options
Mac OS X search tree expansion fix
Chat security vulnerability fix
Multiple user interface fixes

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2.8.6 Final (2006-04-25)

- GUI: Multiple ban host options are now available through the popup menu.
- GUI: A double click in the search button bar or in the free space around the search list will create a new search.

- FIXED: Invalid entry in favorites host file causes Phex to crash during startup. (Bug: 1463084)
- FIXED: On Mac OS X the search tree failed to expand when single clicking on its expansion handle. (Bug: 1404131)
- FIXED: Failed to store display settings of search list and filter panel.
- FIXED: Fixed possible chat security vulnerability by limiting chat frames to 30 and only allow one chat connection per IP.
- FIXED: The filter rule descriptions text was cut and displayed artefacts in case it contained $ or \ characters.
- FIXED: Sorting for creation date or last download date was wrong in download table. (Bug: 1476145)
Last Updated ( Sunday, 07 January 2007 )
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